ICE/ECE 2012 in Florence - A Great Success!

The joint 15th International Congress of Endocrinology and the 14th European Congress of Endocrinology welcomed over 5500 delegates from around the world to the beautiful city of Florence on 5-9th May 2012:

If you were unable to attend ICE/ECE 2012, or would like more information on any part of the Congress, ESE have provided a number of initiatives to allow you to find out more:

Plenary lectures - All the Plenary lectures, as well as the Geoffrey Harris and EJE Prize lectures, were filmed and these will shortly be available to view on the ESE website. The prize lectures will be available on the main part of the website; the plenary lectures will be available in the members' section of the ESE website.

Endocrine Abstracts - contains the abstracts from all the oral and poster presentations from the Congress.

E-posters - this interactive service allows you to view the posters which have been submitted to the e-poster system from wherever in the world you are. If you are a poster presenter, you can upload your poster here:

ICE/ECE 2012 blog - for session reports and a view from the Congress itself, visit the ICE/ECE 2012 blog, a must read for all endocrinologists:

Daily news updates – visit the ICE/ECE 2012 website to read all thedaily news updates from the Congress, containing highlights from each day and news from the organising societies, ISE and ESE:

Facebook – visit the ESE Facebook page to view pictures from each day of the Congress – the pictures from the Welcome Reception on the first day in particular are not to be missed!

You may also be interested in an overview of the research from ICE/ECE 2012 receiving wide coverage across Europe and the world: