ICE/ECE 2012 the countdown begins...

The ISE nominations for the Program Organising Committee for ICE/ECE 2012 in Florence have been formally approved and planning is now well underway. The 15th International Congress of Endocrinology is being held jointly with the 14th European Congress of Endocrinology in Florence, Italy, 5-9 May 2012. The unconventional venue of the Fortezza da Basso (one of Florences most important monuments from the Medici era) will make for a fascinating congress! ISE brings a global perspective to the POC with the following highly respected endocrinologists taking part in the committee:

Prof. Mark Mclean - Australia
Prof. Cheri Deal - Canada
Prof. Fahmy Amara - Egypt
Prof. Ambrish Mittal - India
Prof. Hiroshi Ito - Japan
Prof Ching-Chung Chang - Republic of China
Prof. Andrea E. Dunaif - USA
Prof. Henry Kronenberg - USA